The Issuing Order 23rd of December 1688
As Recorded in The Journal of The House of Lords
His said Highness did, on the Fifth Day of November
following, land with his Forces at Torbay, in the
County of Devon; and, making from thence directly
towards the City of London, he arrived there on Tuesday
the Seven-teenth of Decembcr; and the Three-andtwentieth
Day of the same Month he issued forth this
issuing Order :
W H E R E A S the Necessity of Affairs do require
speedy Advice, we do desire all such Persons as have
served as Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, in any of
the Parliaments that were held during the Reign of the
late King Charles the Second, to meet us at St. James’s,
upon Wednesday the Six-and-twentieth of this Instant
December, by Ten of the Clock in the Morning. And
we do likewise desire that the Lord Mayor and Court of
Aldermen of the City of London would be present at the
same Time; and that the Common-council would appoint
Fifty of their Number, to be there likewise. And
hereof We desire them not to fail.
Given at St. James’s, the Three-and-twentieth Day of
December, 1688.
W H. Prince of ORANGE.
By, his Highness’ special Command,
C. Huygens.